Monday, February 20, 2012

What Do You Really Want For Your Life?

Okay Ladies,
Today is a good day to think about what you really want for your life.
Today is a day designated to remember all those who sacrificed to help establish the wonderful republic that we are so blessed to live in.  Let's honor those sacrifices by thinking about what we will do with their gift.  The Lord has a purpose for all of us.  Whether we are meant to drastically change the world, or touch people's hearts by the small things we do everyday. 
How glorious to be a woman. 
How wonderful to find His Love for us. 
Let today be a day to ponder about what your work is and how you are to accomplish that call.
Go forth with faith, prayer, and love for all you meet.

note: Francesca Battistelli is even more amazing live. She found her call as a Christian singer and a mother.  A true inspiration:)

Today's Elect Ladies:

The Founding Mothers

So many times we use the term "Founding Fathers".  I definitely believe that without those inspired men, there would not be the astounding blessing of the United States of America.  But it is said that "behind every great man is a great woman".  This definitely rings true.  As we acknowledge the blessings that these men have worked so hard for, let us also remember that without the strength of their wives, they would not have been as effective.  It was Martha Washington that provided a home for her husband, George Washington, to return to after the horrible trial of Valley Forge. It was Abigail Adams' ever faithful letters that helped to mold the opinions of John Adams.  She also raised John Quincy Adams to eventually become president.

Do not underestimate the power that we have, as women, to influence the men in our lives.  Our job is not to try to be the same as men, but to be equal partners to men.  We have different responsibilities that come with our
God-Given gifts.  He made us different for a reason.  The founding fathers were friends, yes, but they did not turn to their buddies when they were in their darkest moments.  They turned to their wives, mothers, their sisters, and ultimately, their LORD for their solace.  Every woman has the opportunity to bless the lives of those around her.  She must seize that opportunity before it is too late.  Do NOT let idleness take us off of the path that He has set for us.

Have a fantastic day and don't let anything make you forget your divine role in His Plan. We must work to build each other up in His Kingdom. The world is cruel enough.  Let us not add to the struggle of others.
 It is the call of a women to ease the pain of others.  His Plan is perfect, and ours is clouded by temporal concerns.  He sees the big picture and knows what we need to learn to live with Him.    

May your day be filled with Light and Joy!

Friday, February 17, 2012

What is Beautiful?

Happy Friday!

***Purple is the traditional color of royalty, so it seems fitting to use it in the post today;)***

What does it mean to be beautiful? Many say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". But is that entirely true?  Beauty is a gift from Father.  Only through His Glory is true beauty possible; it is the manifestation of His spirit.  Beauty is in the countenance-through the way we hold ourselves, the way we speak, the way we treat others.  It is our call to be women in a time when the world holds value in putting one's body on display.  We are divine daughters of OUR Father.  He makes us beautiful.  His Spirit shines in our eyes and draws the righteous to us.  It is through the understanding that "Every girl is a princess" because she is a daughter of HER Heavenly Father. 

         ...His Words accents her lips,
              His Works softens her hands,
                His Light illuminates her eyes,
                  Her beauty is not from the world.
             He makes her beautiful...

Clothes, Jewelry, Makeup, this is not what creates beauty. It is a method to create aesthetic attraction, but not beauty. Yes, getting dressed up like a princess is fun, but dressing up is not what makes you beautiful. Beauty comes from virtue, not from being "sexy". It is not something that you can gain through the worlds idea of a "beauty treatment". The best way to gain beauty is to find beauty in all things. Even in the smallest creature, the wonders of Him are ever present. 
The beauty of a flower is not painted on. It is the product of the plant fulfilling it's duty to create a flower.  Let us all be like the plant. We must experience the difficulty of growing to fulfill our divine potential. Everyone can be beautiful. It is their choice. 
How wonderful would the world be if every girl and woman realized this not-so-secret-secret? How much easier would it be to live through each day is everyone knew that they were children of The Most High God, The Great I AM? They would eminate with His beauty. The skewed idea that overpowering the beauty of life with the perversion of material obsession, would be gone.  Makeup would be used to accent what is already beautiful. It wouldn't be used to "cover-up" the insecurity that many have of not being pretty.
It is our responsibility to help others find their personal beauty.  Those who know of this truth cannot let others drown while they watch idlely from the side. Everyone wants to be loved and how beautiful is it when someone realizes that they have always been loved. Their hope is renewed.
This is the formula for JOY:
                                        J     O   Y
                                        E     T   O
                                        S     H   U
                                        U     E
                                        S      R
Joy is infectious. When there is true joy in the truth, there is true beauty.  By putting Him first in your life, you are able to see the good in others. It is not the attractiveness of wealth and fashion. It is through loving the Lord, loving others, and loving yourself, that true beauty comes out.

I found this quote from Audrey Hepburn (I always thought she was beautiful...).

"Audrey Hepburn as Eliza Doolittle- My Fair Lady"
"...For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.
If you share this with another woman, something good will happen -- you will boost another woman's self esteem, and she will know that you care about her..."

                              I hope that this brightened your day. Remember that we never know what someone is going through. It is our duty to ensure that everyone sees who they really are- Be in a place where the Spirit can work through you. Be the example that others can rely on.  Let us all work to not be distractions because we are concerned with outward appearance. Let's focus on what is inside, and the outside will shine.  We must take care of our bodies and dress in a way that displays the confidence that comes from walking with the Lord.

 ~May you all have a blessed day, and remember that you are the Daughter of a King~

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Virtue- It's a verb

In honor of Valentines day...Let us mark February 14, 2012 as a day to remember the importance of our virtue. Remember that the young men we should be seeking will only be able to touch our hearts if they go through Him first.