Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Blog

Hello my readers!

I want to inform you that I have changed over my blog from blogger to wordpress.

It is a new blog with a new name, and I will be writing more than just homemaking and inspirational ideas.

Please join me in this new adventure!

God Bless:)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Care for Yourself First

In our world, there are many evils. There are many in need, and there are many who believe following Christ means always putting those in need before themselves. These people end up giving so much of themselves that they forget to take care of the most important thing that allows them to do their service: their own body.

Many people have heard the cliche, "If you don't have your health, you have nothing". And if you haven't, heard this, you can most likely understand the intent. When one is in poor health, there is little they can do that does not take its toll on their stamina, and eventually their spirit. Think about when you have the flu. Are you physically able to bring help to those in need? Maybe you can write a sweet letter, or call someone in need of support. But if you have a high fever, or a cough, or sneezing fits, it is unlikely that you are wanting to get a family sick by bringing them a meal or working in their yard. 

The Lord asks us to be servant minded. He wants us to be ever sharing our blessings and talents with others. But we can not give all of what the Lord asks of us if we are not caring for ourselves.

I have learned this the hard way. When I was in high school, I was so focused on what others were doing or what they needed that I forgot to take care of myself. I wasn't getting enough sleep, I wasn't necessarily eating badly but it wasn't great, and I was trying to balance too much. I was over burdened and under prepared. Now, I was able to touch many lives, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. But the one regret I have is that I wasn't good about maintaining my own health and I reaped what I had sewn. I had headaches and I tended towards being more susceptible to illness.

Currently, my desire to change my bad habits have truly started to make a difference. I have a while to go before I'm back to where I am as strong as I was, but they are improving. I have found that when I am feeling better, not only am I better prepared to live my life for the Lord, but I am better able to follow the Spirit and truly notice and enjoy the blessings the Lord gives me. 

My next challenge for those who read this blog is to work on your personal life. Work on improving your health, building your strength, reading the Word, and spending personal time with the Lord. Once you are on track with your own self, everything else will start to fall into place. 

I will help you along the way by starting a new series of ideas that I have personally found effective in improving my physical as well as my spiritual health. 

I hope that through this, I can help at least one person start to feel better and feel closer to the Lord.

"And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow in their bones;"

Doctrine and Covenants 89:18

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Blessed Sunday

As I was taking a walk this morning before Church, I saw a few members the deer family that live on and around our property. They were enjoying the spoils of one of our recovering horse paddocks. The image is fuzzy, but I caught a picture of the four of them.

Seeing this reminded me of how simple life truly can be. We clutter it up with so much worry, so much heart ache. Always rushing around trying to do everything on the to-do list. I think we forget that Heavenly Father not only sent us here to learn from our actions and our relationships with others, but also to enjoy the wonderful world that He created.

Even in the midst of our struggles and our trials, the Lord is always watching us and always there to help us on our way. His atoning sacrifice allows for us to give Him our pains and He will wash us clean. We live in a world of turmoil and chaos, but if we have faith in our Savior, there will be no need unmet. He will always provide a way.

I hope that no matter what trial you are going through, you turn to God and give it to Him. He will give you rest and heal your heart. It is through Him that all Light comes. It is through Him that we have hope. Give your worries to God, and wake up renewed.