Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Long Overdue post on Christmas and the New Year

Christmas was such a blessing. It provided a break from the rest of life's worries. Christmas is a holiday filled with love, family and much concern for the well being of others. The Lord's hand is ever present when we keep Him in our hearts.

2012. A year full of many anniversaries of remarkable events from days gone by- The 100th anniversaries of the sinking of the Titanic, the creation of the Girl Scouts of America, the establishment of the Boy Scout Eagle Award, the first LDS Young Women's camp and many more world altering happenings. It is amazing to think that so much has occured in a mere 100years. The lives of people today are so drastically different compared to those from a hundred years ago. 2012, like every year, was filled with ups, downs and everthing in between-but amongst the turmoil and frustration, we saw some of the greatest blessings the world has ever known. The page of such a hallmark year has turned to one fresh and ready for a new story. May you daub your pen with good ink and your story of this new year be filled with many blessed memories.